Monday, December 13, 2010

Macy's Product Placement On Soap Opera The Bold And The Beautiful Today

Christmas shopping invaded a soap opera today. In the middle of a segment on the soap opera The Bold And The Beautiful sponsored by Macy's they decided a commercial was not enough. There was a Macy's shopping bag sitting on the couch in the preceding scene. Then if that was not enough the character tells another character to shop online at macy' Then to carry it even further they go to a laptop computer and bring up macy'

   Now that is product placement. Then they wrote a letter to Santa to raise money for Make A Wish Foundation. It is part of the Believe campaign. For every letter to Santa that is taken to Macy's they will donate 1 dollar up to a million dollars to the Make A Wish Foundation. On line you can write a letter to Santa. They even have letters written by celebrities.