Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Taking Customers In A Yellow Cab To A Motel Brothel Outside Mobile, Alabama In 1964

This is another story in my adventures as a cab driver in Mobile Alabama in the Fall of 1964.  I drove at night and like all cab drivers I had men who asked me to take them to women. In Mobile at that time(1964)there was a brothel working out of a motel outside the city limits on Highway 90 heading west.
And the deal the brothel offered was a good deal for the cab drivers. We were told that the brothel would pay us one third of whatever a customer spent. So we got not only the cab fare but also one third of what the customer spent. Back in 1964 prices were much different from now. The going rate was ten dollars which in todays money would be about 100 dollars.
This No Tell Motel had 2 or three very nice young women from Birmingham working there. They also had a very friendly madam.
 So one Friday night I got a call to pick up a fare and when I found him he was a eager young red headed fellow about 18 to 20 years old who told me to take him to the aforementioned brothel. He had just gotten paid from his job and wanted some action right away.
    I drove him out to the Motel. It was my first time at the place. In fact he may have shown me how to get there.  Not knowing how the place operated I parked in front. We went inside.
The madam got him a girl and then told me to move my cab around back. It was an old heavy Checker Yellow Cab and she didn't want it seen from the nearby highway 90.
I went out to move it. My foot slipped off the brake and it rolled down a hill into a ditch and got stuck there. I went back inside and called to cab company to send their tow truck out to pull it out. I gave them the address. The dispatcher said, "You are where?" He knew where I was all right.
   Meanwhile the young man had finished and when he came out I told him we would have to wait. He said if that is the case he would go with another girl while we waited. He did this one more time while we waited. That amounted to 30.00 of which I would get ten.
Meanwhile an old time cab driver had shown up and told me he thought I stuck the cab on purpose. He said, "I know what you are up to".
   Finally I drove the young man back to Mobile. I got paid the cab fare and the other money as well.
That is known as beginner's luck.