Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bob Dylan At Mardi Gras In New Orleans In 1964


Click on the link above to read all about my meeting Bob Dylan at Mardi Gras in 1964.  And to read what he and I and a group of others did all that day and night until 2am or 3 am the next morning.
I met him again in 1986 and I asked him what he remembered about that time and he said he remembered the Greek Bars on Decatur Street. I have described those in the article above. 51 years ago this year it was.
My brother told me this thought, "Memory is time travel".


Click on the link above to read a good article about that Greek Bar on Decatur Street.  It was called The Acropolis and was located above the Gin Mill. There is also a article by that same person about La Casa De Los Marinos where I met Dylan and we spent a good bit of time during that Mardi Gras 1964. It was located right across the street from The Jax Brewery on Decatur Street.