Saturday, December 31, 2011

Baby Please Don't Go at Juke Joint Festival 2011

Elkmont Homecoming, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Ray Hicks & Other Beech Mountain Folks Trailer

R.L. Burnside's wood-chopping holler (1978)

Ray Hicks: Reuben (1982)

Bob Dylan's New Orleans Rag Live at Town Hall 1963 (20/25)

This version has different photos from the one below and a few added words in the beginning as well.

Bob Dylan's New Orleans Rag Live

Bob Dylan Dusty Old Fairgrounds Live Town Hall 1963 (15/25)

This is one I had never heard before. This is from Bob Dylan Live at Town Hall in New York City April 12th 1963.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Crackers, "Bamas", And Peckerwoods

The above painting is by John James Audubon of the Ivory Billed Woodpecker.

Crackers are from Georgia and Florida but there is more to it than that. Much more. See the link below for the origins of the word and many more meanings.

"Bamas" are what blacks in Washington, D.C. call other blacks who have just moved up to D.C. from down South.

Peckerwood is another slang term for poor whites.

And here is something about the Ivory Billed Woodpecker.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ace Of Hearts In The Snow And Ice In Chicago March 1965

I asked Rachel to take a picture of this Ace of Hearts card frozen in ice in Chicago in March of 1965 when we were going to the train station to leave for New Orleans. Chicago was bitterly cold but when we arrived in New Orleans it was very warm and the azaleas were in bloom. We had to take our coats off.
I had always wished this photo had been taken in color so as to show the Ace Of Hearts in Color contrasted with the white ice which is what caught my eye in the first place.
So this morning I printed a copy of the black and white photo and colored the card red and then scanned it. 
  Click on the above photos to enlarge them. Now I have the red card in the white ice.

And the picture above is what New Orleans looked like when we arrived in March of 1965. That is Jackson Square with azaleas in full bloom.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cant Wait Tuba Skinny Dancers

Catch all the Tuba Skinny videos on Youtube. They are great and can't be beat.
Scroll down to my post below this one for another good one with different dancers.

Tuba Skinny @ Royal St.

Click on the video to enlarge it. And go to youtube to watch full screen and see all the other Tuba Skinny Videos. They are all excellent. Best street band I have ever heard.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas In Mobile Alabama 1964

Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pies Pies And More Pies

See post below about Pies from Hill High Country Store in Round Hill Virignia.
Here is their current price list.
Click on the above price list to enlarge it.

The link below is to some Holiday treats from Bayou Bakery including their special pies.

And the link below is to the Barbara Fritchie Restaurant in Frederick Maryland.
Click on this link and then click on the menu to see their list of pies.

The link below is to some reviews of the Barbara Fritchie Restaurant.

Alan Jackson - Daddy Please Don't Get Drunk This Christmas

Hill High Orchards Pies At Round Hill Virginia

Click on the picture above to enlarge it.
Those are the old prices by the way. Most of the pies now are about 13.50.

I drove out to this place yesterday on Route 7 past Leesburg to Round HIll, Va.
 People have been telling me how good their pies are so I bought three. Here is what I found out about them on the internet.

I bought a pecan pie and a cherry pie and a Fruits of the Forest Pie.
All of them are excellent so it really doesn't matter who made them.

Various Meanings of Tally Ho

Tally Ho has many meanings besides being the name of the above movie theater in Leesburg, Virginia.
#1: It is what fox hunters yell when they see the fox.
#2: It is what Royal Air Force pilots used to yell when they saw a German plane in WW2.
#3: It is what we would say when we lived in East Texas in Kirbyville in 1952 to 1955 and we had a young filly named Tally. We would mount up and say Tally Ho! That is why this blog is named Tally Ho!
#4: For many more interesting meanings of Tally Ho click on the wikipedia link below.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Tally Ho Movie Theater In Leesburg Virginia Has No Relation To This Blog

Click on the above picture to enlarge it.
The above is a review of the new theater by The Washington Post.
I drove by this place today. I had never noticed it before. It has no relation to this blog.
It had closed in the year 2000. The marquee is new and the old one must have been much smaller.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Conflict At Loudon County Courthouse In Leesburg Virginia

I guess the good people of Leesburg, Va. in Loudon County Virginia have never heard of the separation of church and state. And if they have they don't understand what it means.
The simple answer to this nonsense is to ban all displays on the courthouse lawn. And tell these people to put their displays on their own property. Case closed.

This so stupid it boggles the mind and makes the pople of that county look dumb. I know many of the residents with brains must be very embarassed by this ongoing nonsense.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bayou Bakery Beignets Arlington Virginia Are The Best Pastry Buy In The Washington D C Metro Area Bar None

Congratulations David on recently celebrating your one year anniversary at Bayou Bakery.
The Beignets are better than ever and are now even larger. Thanks for bringing real New Orleans food to Arlington, Virginia.
Went to Bayou Bakery in Arlington, Virginia this morning and had some beignets. They were just as good as the ones in New Orleans made by Cafe du Monde and The Morning Call.

Southern Food Chain Restaurants Cracker Barrel, Perkins, Sonic Drive In, Golden Corral,Barnhills
I can't find a national website for Barnhill's. But some are still around down south.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Girls Crossing A Stile On Their Way To School In Call Texas Sometime In The 1930s or 1940s

I am not sure of the date of this photograph. It looks like it could be in the 1930s or 1940s or even the 1950s.
Those steps over the fence are called a stile.
The photograph is by D T Kent
Click on the picture to enlarge it.
Click on the name Kirbyville Texas in the Label Box below to see many more pictures by D T Kent taken back in the day(1930s.1940s,1950s,)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

More Old Photographs Of Call, Texas By D.T. Kent

Click on the picture to enlarge it.

I think is my favorite of all these pictures. These girls are crossing a stile(that is what it is called in Scotland) on their way to school in Call, Texas back in the day. All photos by D T Kent.
Here is some information on Call, Texas and a map of where it is located.

When we lived in Kirbyville, Texas back in 1952 through 1955 I thought of Call, Texas as a ghost town. It had once been a thriving lumber mill town.

Friday, December 2, 2011

More Old Photos Of Kirbyville Texas By D T Kent
The  above link is to a series of old photos of Kirbyville, Texas by D.T. Kent
I used to go in this old store in Kirbyville Texas back in 1952,1953,1954, and 1955.
Mainly I went in there to buy 22 caliber shells for my 22 rifle.
Original Kirbyville Texas Firemen.
The link below is to three sets of old Kirbyville Texas and Call Texas photos by D T Kent.

Of Time and the City - Terence Davies

This is a film about Liverpool England. It won an award at the Cannes Film Festival.
You can see the trailer for the film in the post below this one.
Click on the words youtube in the lower right hand corner above to go to youtube then click on the arrows in the bottom right hand corner to enlarge and view full screen.