Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ace Of Hearts In The Snow And Ice In Chicago March 1965

I asked Rachel to take a picture of this Ace of Hearts card frozen in ice in Chicago in March of 1965 when we were going to the train station to leave for New Orleans. Chicago was bitterly cold but when we arrived in New Orleans it was very warm and the azaleas were in bloom. We had to take our coats off.
I had always wished this photo had been taken in color so as to show the Ace Of Hearts in Color contrasted with the white ice which is what caught my eye in the first place.
So this morning I printed a copy of the black and white photo and colored the card red and then scanned it. 
  Click on the above photos to enlarge them. Now I have the red card in the white ice.

And the picture above is what New Orleans looked like when we arrived in March of 1965. That is Jackson Square with azaleas in full bloom.