Monday, July 1, 2013

The Third Man 1950

This movie made a big impression on me in 1950 when I was ten years old.
It would have been the first time I ever heard a foreign language spoken.
The first time I ever saw European architecture(Vienna Austria).
First time I ever saw such great photography.
A very adult story which I did not understand but was very interested in because of the great music and great visuals.

Over the years I have seen it again and again and enjoy it more each time.
Do you know who the Third Man was?
Carol Reed(the Director)was a genius in the making of this movie.
Graham Greene wrote the screen play and then later the novella of the same name.
The zither music was unforgetable.

I am not sure but I think I must have seen this in the Temple Theater in Meridian Mississippi. Most likely in the summer of 1950.