Monday, February 14, 2011

Mardi Gras 1964 New Orleans And Doubloons

King Rex Doubloon 1964

This gold colored King Rex doubloon shown above from the 1964 Mardi Gras is one I caught myself that year. I have kept it all these years as a souvenir of a memorable Mardi Gras. It is the reverse side of the Rex Doubloon shown above it.
Drag Queen at Mardi Gras 1964 on Bourbon Street outside of The Court Of Two Sisters

The Wizard Of Oz doubloon Mardi Gras 1964 New Orleans. King Rex Parade.

It takes a minute or so to get to the 1964 Mardi Gras material but it is well worth the wait. This was the only video of the 1964 Mardi Gras in New Orleans I was able to find.

Click on the label below to see and read more of my posts about the Mardi Gras New Orleans 1964.