Monday, July 18, 2011

Meeting Allen Ginsberg And William Burroughs Outside Lisner Auditorium At George Washington University 1977

I went to see and hear Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs read at Lisner Auditorium on the campus of George Washington University in Washington D.C.
   It was one their first reading tours in 1977.
     They both gave excellent performances.
Afterwards I was out on the sidewalk by the side of the Lisner Auditorium and I saw Allen Ginsberg standing there all alone. I went up to him and told him I was a friend of Bill Burrough Jr. He seemed really pleased about meeting a friend of Billy's. He and I talked about Billy who was living in Boulder, Colorado at that time.
   After a few minutes William Burroughs came out and Allen told him that I was a friend of Billy. Bill Sr. also was pleased to meet a friend of Bill Jr.'s.
I said something to Allen that made William Sr. smile and even chuckle or laugh a little bit.
I told Allen that during the Vietnam war period I thought that he(Allen)should have sat on top of the Washington Monument until the war was over.
And also that I always felt that he (Allen) should be reading his poems at half time at the Super Bowl.
I saw Burroughs smile. He got the jokes but Allen didn't.
Allen said that he had done his part against the war. "I was tear gassed", he said.
   Click on the labels William Burroughs and William Burroughs Jr. below to read more of my posts about them.